COSALC Officers & Executive Board

Richard Byrne






Primary Address:


201 Jackie Ann Street

Ault, CO 80610

Cell:  970-576-8507


Mailing Address:


PO Box 1451

Ault, CO 80610


I have been a letter carrier since 1998 and have spent my whole career in Greeley, CO.  During that time, I have been involved in many positions while working as a letter carrier.  I've worked as a Safety Captain, Customer Connect Coordinator along with starting out as a steward for NALC Branch 324 in Greeley.  I spent many years working as a steward and worked my way up to be vice president.  In 2013, I was elected as president for Branch 324 and currently still serve in that capacity.  I have a great team of leaders in Greeley and can't thank them enough for their hard work in our branch.

I am married and we have four children.  I live in Northern Colorado in Ault and love the small town atmosphere.  My family knows I am dedicated to my job both as a letter carrier and as a union leader and they support me in those roles which I am grateful for every day.  In 2014, I was appointed as a Congressional District Liaison for Congressional District 4.  I worked hard with Doug Jaynes to gain knowledge on the position and what all it involves.  I have had the pleasure of being selected to be on a legislative trips to Washington, D.C. and these experiences continue to bring everything together for me both with legislative and contractual issues. 

I've appreciated the opportunity to work for the members of the COSALC on the Executive Board and as a Letter Carrier Congressional Liaison.  I have previously held positions for the COSALC as Vice President, Director of Education and an Executive Board Member.  I had the honor of being selected by the NALC to attend the Leadership Academy in Class 22.  I have been an Arbitration Advocate for Region 4 for several years and appreciate the opportunity to defend letter carriers throughout the region.  I was also selected as the Master Faciliator for the City Carrier Academies in the USPS Colorado/Wyoming District.  I love teaching and giving the knowledge that was previously handed down to me to new members not only in the academy but also at union training sessions.  With my recent appointment as a Regional Office Assistant for NALC Region 4, I feel this will only benefit the members of Colorado working day in and day out at the NBA's office knowing the concerns carriers are dealing with across the entire region and what edcuation is needed.  I am honored to be your president of the Colorado State Association of Letter Carriers.  I can't thank Doug Jaynes enough for his continued leadership through the years in my various roles in the union.  I am also honored to have Doug's support as your president but to also to have him continue as the Chair for the COSALC Legislative Committee. 


Please know you can reach out to me at any time if you have questions or concerns. 

Isaiah Nothem







281 E. Ilex St.
Milliken, CO 80543

In 2013, I began my career with the USPS as a CCA in Evans, CO.  After making regular in 2015, I began to learn about and eventually get involved in my local union, Dwight Palser Branch 324.  I have since served as steward for the Evans office, branch secretary, and currently serve as the branch treasurer. 


Before working for the Post Office, I was in law enforcement.  I have worked in campus security, corporate security, and was a state police officer working with the Oklahoma Military Department.  I have a Bachelor’s degree in Theology and a Master’s degree in Religious Education.  I have a wonderful wife, Erica, and four children.  We live in Milliken, CO, where my wife runs an embroidery shop.  I have the honor of serving as deacon and music leader in my church. 


It is an honor and a privilege to be serving as the State Treasurer!  While such duties and responsibilities are not to be taken lightly, I am excited for this opportunity to serve the Colorado State Association of Letter Carriers.





John Woolley







4420 Dunkirk Way

Denver CO 80249

Cell:  720-560-3978


I started my career as a PTF in August of 1998. I joined the union right off but I really did not become active for the first few years. I did learn some things along the way. When I was working, the 2 stewards in my office were grizzled veterans and kind of stuck in their ways. Not that this was a bad thing, as they had the knowledge and loved to fight, but I learned that people are individuals and when facing discipline, its best to be honest and listen to their issue. Not all grievances are the same! I became more involved when I was ASKED to attend a meeting, so after I attended and showed interest, I was ASKED to be an alternate steward. I became a full-time steward in 2005, attended the leadership academy in 2006. At the same time, I was ASKED to step in and be a trustee for Branch 47. I have been active ever since being a steward, Trustee, Recording Secretary and President for Branch 47 and now Secretary for the State Association. I attend as much trainings as I possibly can to keep up on the ever-changing ideas of the Postal Service so that I may better serve my carriers, branch and the state. Never be afraid to ASK or TRY!


Mark Robbins

Vice President







4163 Morley Circle

Colorado Springs, CO 80916

Cell:  719-761-9143


I was born and raised in Bakersfield California where I worked both in the oilfields and home construction. I joined the Army and was assigned to Fort Carson, where I was lucky enough to stay there for a little more than 7 years. I was medically separated from the service. Since I absolutely loved it here and already owned a house here, I decided to stay.


I was originally hired on as a RCA and was able to switch over to a PTF in 2005. Someone within the Branch had noticed that I didn’t have much of a problem standing up for myself or fighting with management and was asked to step into a shop steward position. The Branch President liked my work and asked me to take on a secondary station, which I did for the next 2 years. I relinquished the position to make room for a new and upcoming steward. I’ve been on multiple budget, investigative, by-law, audit committees, and Branch Trustee, Vice President, and now Branch 204 President as well as Trustee for the Colorado Springs AFL-CIO.


I am married to a wonderful woman, Andrea that does a great job of putting up with me and two great kids, Ashley and Jason. In my spare time, I like to ride ATVs and do a little chainsaw carving.


I want to thank Doug Jaynes for the opportunity to serve on the State Executive Board. I’ve been to many State Trainings, State conventions, Committee of Presidents, Participated in everything that I could, RAP session and National Convention. I am proud to be a part representing the NALC.

Se Min Kil

Director of Education





I have been a proud member of our union since the beginning of my Postal Service career as a CCA in 2015 where it quickly became apparent how essential the NALC is to our craft. I have had the privilege of serving my local branch (5996) and fellow letter carriers at the Aurora Main Post Office in the capacity of a steward for the past four years and since the latter half of 2022, I have continuously worked as the back-up NALC Representative for the CO/WY District Dispute Resolution Team (DRT, Step B).


I am honored to now serve as your new State Director of Education to carry on the challenging work that our past Directors have dedicated themselves to for the benefit of our members. I fervently believe that a knowledgeable membership not only strengthen our union’s ability to do the work that our fellow carriers have entrusted us to accomplish, but also to fulfill our obligation of protecting our union brothers, sisters, and craft.


With the support of our National Business Agent’s office and guidance from our respected leadership, my goal is to contribute in every way that I am capable of towards fulfilling the State’s mission of “maintaining a more perfect organization and improving the Postal Service; to organize all Letter Carriers within the State; and to guide and direct all activities relating to legislation within the States”.


I look forward to working for all our members.



Jacqueline Skene

Director of Retirees







961 S Evanston Cir  

Aurora, CO 80012

Cell:  303-437-7308


I have been a Letter Carrier and a member of Centennial Branch 5996 since 1988. I retired at the end of August in 2020.  I have held several positions in the NALC, and spent the last few years of my Postal Career as a custodian in Aurora as a dual member of APWU and NALC. My heart has always belonged to the NALC and I am honored and privileged to work with the retirees around the state of Colorado.  I graduated from Aurora Community College in 2007 with an Associates degree and went on to Graduate from Metropolitan State University in 2015 with a Bachelors degree. I am a graduate of the Leadership Academy Class #7 as well as the Leadership school through the AFL-CIO.  I have two sons, a step son and a step daughter, whom we lost in 2019, as well as soon to be four grandchildren that range in age from newborn to almost 10.  I have been married to my husband Doug for 9 years and we are looking forward to traveling when he retirees in 2023.  I have done extensive legislative work both with the State of Colorado and the National Letter Carriers. I have worked on elections as part of the release staff since 2000 and I have attended several lobby trips to Washington D.C. to represent Letter Carriers and the NALC.


While my new position as the State Director of Retirees will offer its own challenges, I am very much looking forward to those challenges as well as getting to know the Retirees around the state of Colorado and working for them and with them in any capacity they need. I want to take the opportunity to thank all the Directors of Retirees who have come before me and hope I can live up to the work that they have performed for the Letter Carriers around the State of Colorado.


Bryan Sanders

Executive Board





Branch Liaison to:


Mile Hi - Branch 47           Craig - Branch 5236

Aspen - Branch 6202        Cortez - Branch 5225




5052 Cathay St

Denver CO 80249

Cell: 720-203-2076



From early in my postal career I have felt a need to want to improve the conditions around the postal carriers and to leave the post office in a better place for future carriers. Around 2010, I started getting involved in the Union because I was sick of how management preceded about their business and I wanted to learn how to hold management accountable and protect the Letter Carriers In my office. My qualifications are not important, but what is important is my beliefs in teamwork, beliefs that our Union is only as strong as the weakest member, and the belief that a higher percentage of members need to understand what resources are available to them so that they can protect themselves from management.


     Through my branch I have volunteered to speak on how important it is to be an activist and I encourage  each steward to go back to their stations to share the messages.  Also, one of the most exciting things I get to do for our Union is to represent the NALC Mutual Benefits Association in Branch 47 and I'm also fortunate enough to get to teach a class now at our state training on the MBA Plans.   I am a warrior who has a single focus to champion the unions cause to the members. I’m here to share my passion and unite a greater understanding of what we can do as one unitAs members of the National Association of Letter Carriers we need to understand that intentions mean nothing, but taking action is everything.


In Solidarity,



Cirilia Garcia

Executive Board





Branch Liaison to:


Pueblo - Branch 229

Colorado Springs - Branch 204


Cell:  719-994-4586


I am a member of Pride City Branch 229 and am proud to serve the community I grew up in.


I have been a carrier for four years and actively involved with the union for 3 years now- though I joined as soon as I could because I understand the power and strength of being a union member.  I am a member of the NALC Joint Safety Task force, some of you may have even seen me with the team in your offices and I am a newly installed Trustee in my local branch. I have attended several state conventions, steward training and RAP sessions because I know that knowledge is power.


I am committed to working with all members of our association to ensure that our voices are heard, our concerns are addressed, and our achievements are celebrated. I look forward to serving alongside my fellow Executive Board members and contributing to the ongoing success of the Colorado State Association of Letter Carriers.



Chad Peschel

Executive Board



Branch Liaison to:


Flatirons (Boulder) - Branch 642

Greeley - Branch 324     




2526 Northview Pl

Castle Rock, CO 80104

Cell: 720-299-0851


I came to Colorado December 2009 on a whim, with the sole intentions of getting away from everything I had ever really known. I was pretty much born and raised in North Dakota, not exactly the most interesting place in America. I came from a humble and respectful, but also simplified lifestyle. Even still, I Love it here in Colorado, and this is where I call home. Here is where I met my beautiful and adventurous wife, Caroline. We have been married for 5 years running and together we have an extremely clever little girl named Arya. Colorado has been good to us, and we intend to keep it our home.


Prior to joining the USPS, I started work at the Denver International Airport (DIA), where I fueled the airlines and got my feet securely planted in the Colorado soil. After 5 years at DIA, I opted to change career paths and sign up with the United States Postal Service. As scary as it was changing paths, I am proud to say I did.

May of 2015, I became a City Carrier Assistant (CCA). Starting with the Postal Service was exciting, I began my career in Denver out of the Westwood Post Office. Some would call it 'Dogwood'. I can confirm there were a ton of dogs in the area, and yes many were not friendly at all. Immediately after starting at Westwood, it was clear the type of management I was encountering was nothing like I had seen before. Never in my life had I ever had to deal with such an aggressive and challenging management team. Let me tell you, this was really a blessing in disguise. I knew I needed to understand the Postal rules and the postal way of life, in order to navigate my newfound career.  I began making efforts to be involved with the NALC, going to meetings, and speaking to the Westwood stewards, as well as other involved Union members, I gained the knowledge to stay afloat in the business. Along with this I learned my secret power, I acquired the skills to fight for the rights of my fellow carriers.


I became a steward in the Westwood Station a few months prior to making regular in November 2016. I was a very active steward, and I did my best at every opportunity I had. I believe in the Union, and I believe in what we as the NALC stand for. I have not stopped being a steward still to this day. I’ve gone to Formal A Training on the East Coast, after which I was a Branch 47 Formal Step A backup in addition to my steward duties. I stayed in Westwood station until January 2022, where I transferred to the Castle Rock, CO installation. I am currently the Union Steward here in the Castle Rock Station, still in Branch 47.


I was petitioned to join the State Executive Board, back in 2021. I did not immediately jump in, but after some time to think, I accepted and began the newest chapter of my NALC journey. I am happy and excited to be a part of the Colorado State Association of Letter Carriers (COSALC), and I am learning and growing every day. I look forward to representing the carriers of this stunning State and I get an overwhelming sense of pride to be here and to be given the opportunity to serve you all. I will do everything I can to contest for what is right, and to fight for the Postal Service as a whole. Thank you for the opening to serve you and please do not hesitate to reach out to if ever in need.


In Solidarity,




Roy Zuniga

Executive Board






Branch Liaison to: 


Arvada - Branch 4405

Longmont - Branch 1105


Cell: 831-737-8850



Todd Tucker

Executive Board






Branch Liaison to:


Grand Junction - Branch 913

Montrose - Branch 1517    

Gunnison - Branch 5301




9548 W. Vandeventor Drive

Littleton, CO 80128

Cell: 720-290-4778


I have been a carrier since 1998 working at the Lakewood station for 21 years. I decided to step up as a steward when I witnessed management bully and harassing several carriers. After writing statements for the steward in the office watching the supervisor being moved to another station I thought, what a powerful organization and committed to protect the rights of the carriers. I decided to step up again in 2019 severing the COSALC as an Executive Board member assisting the small branches and members on the Western Slope from Craig to Cortez. Developing the “Slope” newsletter that was mailed out every month, was an effort of all the COSALC members wanting to communicate with all the members and small branches. Carriers on the Western slope now know that they were not forgotten, now the members have a way to communicate with COSALC and the Region 4 National Business Agents office. This effort was a success from many phone calls, emails and texts with various concerns of all kinds were delt with, it was a success.


     I have been a CCA trainer and mentor a large part of my career helping them adapt to the stresses of the job correcting any safety issues and making it easier to do the job. In 2019, I was a part of the Case Consolidation observer team traveling to Phoenix, assigned to the Avondale and Goodyear stations recording all the contract violations, safety concerns, then reassuring the carriers that this nightmare will not last and to trust the union to stop it. Returning from Phoenix I was assigned to the Westwood station in Denver to be a Case Consolidation observer again, taking notes the same way as in Phoenix to stop the violations. Trusting the union, it did stop.


The work has taken a turn for the best in communication with the smaller branches and the members. Combining the Western Slope newsletters with the Eastern plains, smaller branches have been able to take advantage big time. Centennial Sentinel is the new monthly letter.  Log on to the website and check out what the letters are all about.     

Jef Sipple

Executive Board






Branch Liaison to: 


Fort Collins - Branch 849

Aurora - Branch 5996


Cell:  303-895-8140


Hello brothers and sisters. My name is Jefrey Sipple. I served for six years in the U.S. Army and have been a mail carrier in the USPS for ten years. I’ve never been content with the status quo but always wanted to take on more challenges and improve upon existing conditions. I observed the lack of good communication  and constant confusion on various issues, rules and regulations between the union, management at USPS and its carriers. I pondered on the disappointments it was creating for the postal service and wondered what part I could play to improve upon the existing conditions. To this end, I noted that the safe driver award program, which recognized safe drivers on an annual basis, had suddenly stopped. I also read an article in the Postal Record by Manuel Peralta Jr., the NALC Director of Health and Safety, that he had received complaints from carriers that they were not receiving these awards. I presented this information to my union branch presidency and after more than two years of following up with them, we finally got the program back on board and it has been running for three years now.


Then I was appointed to the USPS/NALC Joint Safety Task Force (JSTF) by NALC Region 4 NBA Dan Versluis. This group made up of managers and letter carriers mitigates safety issues and concerns in order to make each post office operate in a safer manner for all postal employees. Then I was trained to be an on-the-job instructor, so I could prepare mail carriers to successfully perform their job as they finished the city letter carrier academy and started their new career. I also worked with the NALC Letter Carrier Congressional Liaisons (LCCL) to fight for carrier benefits such as fair compensation for social security in retirement. I needed to take a short trip to Washington DC in order to do this for the COSALC.


I just attended a three-day conference for Disabled American Veterans (DAV). I saw firsthand what happens when communication is insufficient or ineffective. The DAV auxiliary planned a luncheon on the last day of the convention but failed to tell the members that it would cost thirty- five dollars until just minutes before the meal. Some members went elsewhere for lunch because they didn’t have a ticket. Others had to buy a ticket and then wait forty -five minutes for their lunch. Right after lunch, we held a meeting for changes in our by-laws, and nominations and installations of our new officers. Again, the lack of good communication on parliamentary procedure made what should have been a thirty-minute meeting take more than two hours to complete.


As I stated before, I do the work I do for the letter carriers. The most important component for them to improve their working conditions is to communicate more effectively with their management and with their union at all levels. This is precisely the reason why I just became an executive board member for our state association. Knowledge is power. I want to improve communication between mail carriers and the union (NALC) since it is necessary for their continued success.


Stronger together,

Jefrey Sipple










Legislative Chair




961 S Evanston Cir  

Aurora, CO 80012

Cell:  970-396-0702


           My name is Doug Jaynes and I am pleased to have been appointed by President Rick Byrne to be the Chair of the Legislative Committee. For those who don’t know me, I have been with the Postal Service for 30 years. Beginning at the GMF for a couple of years before switching to the Letter Carrier craft in 1995. Starting in Boulder with Ray, Lou, Jim, Dave, Bob, Barb, Sue and a host of others as leaders in the NALC from the contract to legislative issues I learned. Transferring to Greeley brought me new opportunities to grow and begin to speak for the NALC on legislative issues. I became a LCL, predecessor to today’s LCCL serving the NALC in the 4th Congressional District communicating, or at least trying to, with Rep. Marilyn Musgrave. In 2008 I was part of the release staff, working to elect a Congressional delegation that was friendly towards Letter Carriers and the Postal Service. The result was the election of Betsy Markey and a complete turnaround in attitude toward the Postal Service and Letter Carriers in the 4th CD. I have been lucky to join with fellow carriers in Washington DC in speaking to the entire Colorado Congressional delegation and closer to home across Colorado. I look forward to speaking with you, as legislation that effect Letter Carriers and the Postal Service is introduced.


Personally, I’m married to Jackie Skene, a retired carrier out of Branch 5996. We have 4 kids 3 boys and a girl, who passed away in 2019, their spouses and or significant other, 4 grand kids, and 5 grand dogs. They all keep us busy but leave just enough time to travel.


My first campaign was for George McGovern, and I have been politically active ever since. I am one of those political nerds. Anything you need please just contact me 970-396-0702


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Colorado State Association of Letter Carriers

P.O. Box 82

Ault, CO 80610

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